Find out what your car could be worth with an instant, free valuation

How it works

  1. Your current Hyundai car details.

    Your current car

    First we need some basic information about your current car.

  2. Retailer locater map icon.

    Select a retailer

    We’ll then help you find your nearest Hyundai retailer.

  3. Contact details icon.

    Your contact details

    Add a few details so your chosen retailer can get in touch to discuss next steps.

    Your Hyundai car valuation.

    Your valuation

    You’ll receive an estimated valuation for your car. We’ll send this to you by email and to your chosen retailer.

    Your current car

    Here are some details we found based on the information you provided. Please check they're correct before you proceed to the next step. If you'd like to make any changes please click the 'Back' button below.

    Your current car condition

    Your details

    Please select the model you're interested in and enter your details

    Your local retailer will follow up with you and guide you through the part exchange process
    open tooltip

    Choose your retailer and scroll down to complete the form

    Please select your retailer using the map below. Once you've made your choice, please scroll down to complete the form.

    What type of customer are you?*

    How shall we keep in touch?

    Hyundai Motor UK Ltd would like to keep in touch in a way that suits you, so you can be one of the first to hear about our news, product developments and offers.

    All your information will be protected and only used by Hyundai Motor UK Ltd, authorised retailers and authorised repairers. We’ll never pass data to third parties for them to market to you.

    You can change your mind anytime by calling our call centre on 0800 981 981, or through the unsubscribe link in all our emails.

    For full details click through to our Privacy Policy 

    Please tick if you'd like us to contact you by:

    Your estimated valuation

    We have determined the following guide value for your used car based on the information you provided. Your retailer will be in touch to provide further support and confirm next steps.

    What next?

    Your local retailer will be in touch shortly with more details on next steps.

    Find your car details below